Monday, August 27, 2012

Feelings...Photography is Feelings, nothing more than feelings. :: Mamatography Photo Workshops

What made you and me a photographer? FEELINGS. That's it. 

For me, it was just a feeling that I got when I looked at my college instructors capture of a field of yellow corn. So simple, yellow corn.

Motherhood is that nostalgic idea that reminds me of the moment when I BECAME a photographer. Something so seemingly simple, just a glance at everyday life, paved the way for what I would do with the rest of mine.

The bold dimension in that stack of corn confuses me as much as does being a mom. Why is this special? I pull my hair out every day and at the end there's that moment, wow, does anything else really matter?

Here, with my Mom. No sweeter view.
In these pictures of Safi with bubbles, my life's questions are solved and the meaning is just there. I've been staring at these shots for weeks waiting for the right time to edit them and what a pleasure it was to look in my little girl's eyes and realize, she sees, she knows, how much I appreciate her.

Now, this type of Mama flattery can't go too far as I know from my own spoiled brat experience what may become of this.


 But until she's a little more self aware, I'll keep snapping, and focusing on those eyes that were of my own creation.

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